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Thursday, 31 May 2007

Gtank12- 12 Atrox Enforcer

Points of Interest: Frost Scythe 75%, QL50 Ofab Gloves (Poor Man's Legchoppers), GTA, Crypt Collar

One of my earliest twinks. I wanted to see how low I could get on GTA and Energy Scythe and it seemed to be about the same level. I figured on 12- hence the name (Guardian Tank at 12). After figuring out the Lost Eden stuff, went back and re-twinked into a Frost Scythe. It's easier to get a Frosty at 75%, than Energy Scythe at 100%. He hits for 305's on mobs with Challenger, and has 880-ish ACs. Still too slow of a weapon, even with Flurry of Blows, to be really effective at towers or pvp. Although the consistent damage is good against almost any prof without roots.