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Thursday, 31 May 2007

Flurrytail- 6 Atrox Trader

** New Setup:

Points of Interest: Howling Skulls, 4x belt. CAS and Robot Junk Armor

New Stuff: 5x belt, GTA!! my new low :), Crypt collar, Rhinoman and Lya's Sangi armor. Imps up to QL87 now.

One of my very first twinks, to see how low I could get on Howling Skulls. Way overdue for a re-twinking. Doesn't have Crypt Collar and imps are in the 60's. Accidentally levelled up from 5 to 6 while getting LE research. Can kill anything in the subway except Abmouth with a little HoT. Skulls are 100% with Brutal Thug, Thug's Delight and one drain. Does very fast damage. Now my best twink for levelling new toons quickly.

Recently redone all imps and setup. Got into GTA with Lya's Sangi and Miy's armor + Ring of essence/endurance.