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Thursday, 31 May 2007

Stexer- 1 Opifex Trader


Points of Interest: Froob, Crypt Collar, 4x belt, 153 ncu without Carb armor, QL42 Pump Trainee 75%, Imps up to QL73. Killed Abmouth!! :)

Named after the original "Stexer" I read about on the AO forums- the original level 1 Trader Twink. Not really finished, but still fun to play in the subway. In the picture with Dredd, he's the little guy :). I'd like to see if he can solo Abmouth. Even with OB's that would be kind of unique being level 1 :).

All done killing Abmouth. Took three or four tries to get it right. Link to a page for that whole adventure-

DoctorSmooth- 1 Atrox Doctor


Points of Interest: Cure for Baldness, Temple Shoulder Pads, Touch of the Gripper and some QL80 implants, 751health and 452 nano. QL22 Razorback rifle, 98 ncu, QL114 Mantidae Antennae,

Probably my craziest twink so far. Wanted to get Cure for Baldness on at level 1. Had no idea how far the implants would go. I knew ncu shortage would prevent getting the absolute highest implants possible, but he didn't hurt too much for that. Once I got the gripper on, that decided what weapon to use- can't have any conflicts with that :). The temple shoulder pads are also pretty crazy. Only had a couple of pvp's. One was over before the other guy got a shot off. Aimed shot, Fling plus one hit and the other guy hadn't finished casting their evade debuff and were at about 10% health :).

The lower right picture is kind of amusing. I started logging in the doc after work one day and left to go get something to eat. When I came back there was this little crowd of people around me trying to fill up my ncu :).

Flurrytail- 6 Atrox Trader

** New Setup:

Points of Interest: Howling Skulls, 4x belt. CAS and Robot Junk Armor

New Stuff: 5x belt, GTA!! my new low :), Crypt collar, Rhinoman and Lya's Sangi armor. Imps up to QL87 now.

One of my very first twinks, to see how low I could get on Howling Skulls. Way overdue for a re-twinking. Doesn't have Crypt Collar and imps are in the 60's. Accidentally levelled up from 5 to 6 while getting LE research. Can kill anything in the subway except Abmouth with a little HoT. Skulls are 100% with Brutal Thug, Thug's Delight and one drain. Does very fast damage. Now my best twink for levelling new toons quickly.

Recently redone all imps and setup. Got into GTA with Lya's Sangi and Miy's armor + Ring of essence/endurance.

IronCircle- 7 Atrox Doctor


Points of Interest: GTA at lvl 7, Cure for Baldness, Ofab Armor, 4x belt, 126 ncu, Shark Mk4, Temple Shoulder Pads, 1028 health & 541 nano self, QL109 Mantidae Antennae

One of my most notable twinks, have a post on the AO forums about this guy. Guy gets lots of attention wherever he goes. May be some kind of a record for low level GTA. Decent in self buffed pvp. May lose to a Pump Trader, but not likely anything else. The bottom two pictures are typical of what happens when I walk into a populated area with this guy :).


Fergalicius- 7 Atrox Metaphysicist

Setup (Before GTA Ugrade):

Points of Interest: Froob, 4x Belt, 120 ncu, QL41 Gripo Com 100%, Touch of Gripper, Couple of QL80 implants. Recently upgraded with GTA, due to the new Miy's armor as well as Ring of Essence/Endurance, and lya's Sangi armor.

Figured that I was due to make up an MP, and wanted to make him the lowest level he could be and still cast the first healpet. Had no idea how far this would go- could probably have done it sooner. Quite surprised to find that I could get the 4x belt and touch of gripper on him. Made this guy to look pretty gimp for now so he'll get some pvp action. He's pretty tough, but at an awkward level. The level 10s actually have a lot more potential than three more levels would indicate. He's lost pvp to a lvl 10 soldier and 11 adventurer in Ofab, but never at his level. He's doing very well in this subway picture. Has an essence but no HoT. Pet is keeping him alive pretty well deep in subway. He can solo Vergil with just a run buff and everything else but Abmouth with no problems :).

Slugpumper- 10 Atrox Trader


Points of Interest: GTA at lvl 10, 6x belt, QL128 Viral Compiler, 240 ncu, TiM Scope, implants in the 70's to 90's

One of my best twinks all around, although due for an upgrade with the new buffing equipment I've aquired since making this guy. First hardcore twink. Used the sixth slot for a compiler- not sure if ncu is more valuable than casting speed at this level. Run this guy with mochams, GSF, and Medium HoT and no essence for most tower fights. Moch drains seem to be far more useful than essence at this level. Almost always team this guy with Snipertank for defending against lvl 15's attacking towers. He crits for over 800 on mobs when fully drained.

Found a pic in the archives- check out the old IP interface :). Slug just getting his GTA on :)

Snipertank- 12 Atrox Agent

Points of Interest: GTA, 6x belt, 260+ ncu, TiM Scope,

One of my best all around ganker killers and tower fighters. He was built around UA and TTS to have the highest QL Perennium Sniper he could and not be OE. Not going to specify the QL of the gun, but it's higher than 70... This guy and Slugpumper are two of my most used twinks for towers and killing gankers/idiots.. Family photo below :).

Gtank12- 12 Atrox Enforcer

Points of Interest: Frost Scythe 75%, QL50 Ofab Gloves (Poor Man's Legchoppers), GTA, Crypt Collar

One of my earliest twinks. I wanted to see how low I could get on GTA and Energy Scythe and it seemed to be about the same level. I figured on 12- hence the name (Guardian Tank at 12). After figuring out the Lost Eden stuff, went back and re-twinked into a Frost Scythe. It's easier to get a Frosty at 75%, than Energy Scythe at 100%. He hits for 305's on mobs with Challenger, and has 880-ish ACs. Still too slow of a weapon, even with Flurry of Blows, to be really effective at towers or pvp. Although the consistent damage is good against almost any prof without roots.

Robotjock- 13 Solitus Engineer

Points of Interest: Froob, Redline Grenade Launcher, Can cast Gladiator bot (QL70, comes out at 64)

Just another froob, built specifically for attacking towers. Does a fair bit of damage with the bot and Redline. So far my lowest non-Agent/Trader with Crypt Collar on. Scratch that- just realized the lvl 12 Enforcer above also has it- making him the lowest :).

Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Artiste- 14 Atrox Martial Artist

Points of Interest: Froob, Schuyler Pup Bow, Rockcrusher Gauntlets, Special Arrows
One of my only twinks built around evades, he has 260ish evades in ranged and melee. Never actually pvped this guy, but I think he'd be solid against some profs- specifically healing profs with lower attack rating. Even with Sniper's Bliss my agent had a hard time hitting this guy at full defence. This guy is the poster child for me making twinks rather than playing them. After all the work to make him up, he's probably had less than an couple of hours of playing time, although he does have a pretty cool look.
Has a bow for weapon and no points in Martial Arts skill or Brawling etc... Leaves lots of IP for evades. Schuyler Pup has fixed damage like Frost Scythe, which means he hits for 115s on mobs no matter what their AC, should do 57ish damage in pvp, but haven't tested lately since re-twinking.

MickyThompsn- 14 Atrox Fixer

Points of Interest: Froob, Rockcrusher Gauntlets, QL80 and 70 Sleekmasters 100%.

Made this guy mostly because I wanted to see Padded Love Armor in use :). He's a pretty solid twink again, and pretty good at some pvp. Getting Rockcrushers on at lvl 14 on Froob was the toughest part (210 Str/191 Stam compared to 191/191 for GTA). Still not one of the best ideas, with too little damage for towers, just fun for messing around.

StilettoPump- 14 Opifex Trader

Setup- For casting Bulk Trader:

Points of Interest: Froob, 6x belt, 302 ncu, Pump Trainee, Gumboils
Built this girl around lots of ncu and being able to pop Kizzermole Gumboils with Moch drains. Had to sacrifice one Shotgun implant to get enough Sharp Object skill, but can hit for up to 1900 damage on mobs, and pretty much a guaranteed cap on anyone at towers. This is a rather new twink, made since you could no longer recast running buffs if you have no ncu free. Was a bit trickier to get a 6x belt on since you don't have time to take out 5 mem chips and get your 6x belt equipping before Bulk Trader runs out. Still possible though- just have to do it with four chips instead of five :).

BabyBlueEyes- 15 Solitus Fixer


Points of Interest: Grid Armor at lvl 15, QL50 Perenium Blaster 100%. 5x Belt

One of my earlier twinks who recently got an upgrade. Re-did her implants up to QL97ish and got on a 5 Slot belt. Much easier to recast GA now. Don't have to re-do implants every 6 hours to get enough ncu for buffs to cast GA. Grid armor is 25% self, 50% with CT, and 75% with two infuses and one masteries. Fun to play but not a whole lot of use at towers. Just doesn't do enough damage to be worthwhile. Real fun in the subway though :).

SlimmReaper- 25 Opifex Enforcer

Points of Interest: Froob, Frost Scythe 100% and can self Berserk Rage
Made with the tall skinny Opifex model to look as gimp as possible :). Had a CAS helmet but was too intimidating so went back to Carb. Interestingly he can get on higher imps than Atrox for 2he, which are generally Agility based.
He's only lost one pvp to a lvl 30 Martial Artist and possibly one more I can't recall the prof/level. Very effective with Berserk rage. Killed at least one Grid Fixer so far. If he gets rooted, just keep using Berserk Rage to break roots and keep chasing. Even good against a Trader. They have two choices for their first nano, Drain or Root. If they root, I Rage to break root, then chase- Flurry of Blows and Fast attack and they're usually dead pretty quick. If they drain I may not be able to get off a Rage, but then they can't root for the next few seconds and I'm still free to Flurry- Fast Attack and they're still losing health real fast.

Infectera- 24 Nanomage Doctor

Points of Interest: Froob, Nothing really special

Built specifically for casting initiative debuffs at tower fights. Pretty standard twink for this level. QL 100-105ish imps. Crypt Collar, Exarch robe. Pretty dull, but she can solo Abmouth self with a bit of kiting :).

Poletisha- 23 Solitus Bureaucrat

Points of Interest: Skull of Woe/Lamentation 100% with Brutal Thug/Thug's delight.

One of my first purpose-built twinks. Made for farming rings of nucleus from Abmouth. Also ended up getting a lot of pvp action before I had more specific toons made for that at this level. Killed at least two grid fixers in her day :). She's probably made millions in selling rings- my only toon that's paid for herself :).

Nocruncher- 24 Atrox Bureaucrat

Points of Interest: Froob, With Mochams and wrangle casts Supervisor-Grade Aide-Droid (83)

Nothing special, just pretty solid Crat with QL100ish implants to have fun with for towers and pvp. This guy in the second picture challenged me to kill him on my way down to kill Abby... So I did :).

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Abomination- 24 Atrox Trader


Points of Interest: Froob, Silken Legchoppers, Mantis Armor, Stygian Desolator, Gumboils

I know melee trader is a terrible idea according to everything I've read, so I made this guy a froob just in case he sucked. Turned out to be one of my most used and most effective twinks. A ranged Trader is probably my biggest competition. At this level, Pump Master is losing it's dominance, and loses out to the Styg in speed and damage (as long as you can stay in range). Only advantage of Pump is being ranged. If I fight any ranged profs with this guy, and get rooted, I just drain and nano-drain until the roots break. Second pic is pretty cool, taking on an Exarch while levelling up some new alts in the temple. (No HoT even :)

BlckScorpion- 30 Solitus Trader

Points of interest: Combined Paramedics armor, 409 ncu with Fixer buff, Razorback rifle, Gumboils.
A pretty recent twink. My only one with any amount of Alien armor, just cause paramedic's is relatively cheap. Started as a lvl 10 twink. Upgraded to 30 for towers.

Monday, 28 May 2007

Gridirons- 60 Atrox Fixer


Points of Interest: Grid Armor MK2. My highest imps at lvl 60 so far. Mortiig Beamer and Kyr Submachine pistol Mk4

My first Grid Fixer. Used for helping out with temple loot. Could go to GA MK3 for pvp, but haven't done much of that so GA2 is fine. Not sure who's tougher- Aztur or TiM. Soloed TiM with this guy, rather unexpectedly. Mostly had nano-pool problems. Took quite a while and had to keep casting my short term HoT to keep up with the odd time that TiM hit me. If TiM got too many lucky hits in a row, I had to kite a bit until my HoT caught up.

Should really re-do this guy's ncu. Don't think it's necessary to have a compiler, especially a non alien compiler... Saved a lot of IP for evades by not maxing Complit though.

Friday, 25 May 2007

DoublePumper- 44 Atrox Trader


Points of Interest: Froob, CDRs, Barter Armor, Gumboils, QL 180ish mem chips, 408 ncu self, 138ish implants.

I mostly wanted to see what Barter Armor looked like on a Trox, but wanted to do something useful as well. This guy is one of my favourite, coolest looking, but underused twinks. Did some calculations and figured the lowest I could get on Barter Armor was about 41-44 ish. Since I was going to be using Barter Armor, I figured I may as well use a froob account. For weapon, I could go with Ithaca or CDRs. No way to get usefully high AS at this level so CDRs it is... The little guy works out really well especially considering the cost to effectiveness ratio. Almost everything on this guy was rolled or picked up in dungeons, and cost almost nothing other than the implants themselves.

Silkpanther- 60 Atrox Enforcer


Points of Interest: Froob, 100 Panther, Legchoppers, CAS Armor, 155ish imps.

A fairly recent twink. I wanted to see if I could get a Panther on a lvl 60 froob enforcer. Ran the numbers through Nillan's Skill Emulator and came up with this guy :). He has about 609 2he self buffed, enough to keep the Panther from OE. Dual logged with Panther911 these guys can take down Aztur pretty quick.

Panther911- 60 Atrox Enforcer


Points of Interest: 101 Panther, Legchoppers, Tier1 armor, Infantry helmet, 160+ implants.

Pretty standard Enforcer twink. Panther was one of my first twinks, but just got a recent upgrade. He is now about 8 points off being able to use a 102 Panther. If I get some AI armor I'll see about upgrading again :). Has a Corpse Cutter in the second pic.

Mettrox- 60 Atrox Metaphysicist

**New setup:


Points of Interest: Superior Skylight Shield, QL110 Kyr Hammer, 160 imps, Mantis Armor.

New Stuff: Blackshirt of Zuwadza, can now self Restite and Lesser Frenzy, Symbs in head, eye, right hand, and ear.

Mettrox was one of my earlier twinks. Still a good setup although you can see its age by my use of max health instead of body dev imps- before I knew better :). Mostly used for helping get loot from the Temple. Weapons are 75% without Brutal Thug, but still hit pretty hard. When 100%, that shield is almost like having a 3/4 frost scythe in one hand.