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Friday, 21 November 2008

Hammeroid- 10 Atrox Enforcer

Points of Interest: Froob, Implants up to QL91, Crypt Collar, GTA, Using Neleb's New Nightmare Battlerod.


My third level 10 twink in a row :). Not sure why but this seems like a good level to get a bunch of stuff on. Wanted to see how low I could get Neleb's Rod. Could probably go lower on a paid account, maybe one or two lower for Froob. Battlerod is 75% self and 100% with Brutal Thug. Even at 75% it's quite a nasty weapon at this level. Consider that it's the same damage as a Stygian and how that was generally limited to level 20ish minimum and only on Traders for the most part. Absolutely rocks the subway. This guy is actually a close fight with the previous Soldier when they're self buffed (still comes out ahead but it's not a blow-out). With them both using weapon buffs to keep out of OE, this guy kicks major butt. Does damage up to 600ish in the subway. Use this guy and the soldier for levelling new twinks real fast :). The ribbed armor is Cyborg Death Squad- all in social tab. His real armor is mostly Rhinoman.

Group photo at the end there- four level 10 twinks including Slugpumper- some mass pvp fooling around :).


Unknown said...

Would love to know your laddering and scheme for the level 10 battlerod twink

I got a level 14 I'm working on now and am stumped for the 2hb/fa laddering to do nelebs rob. Been working from an agi based setup I've done before with a level 15 to get into 70s, but need at least 90s to make this happen

Unknown said...

how did you get 201 fast attack i was only able to come up with 178 on paper i dont know how you got so much fast attack

bobking said...

Yes please i cold use some help trying to do a twink like this got gta, on and both totw pads, Collar Casero de la Cripta , cant seem to get but dont see how you can get the 3302hb and 220 Fast attack?
any thing you can do to help.
My main is Ndarlipo in the game