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Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Walther2000- 74 Atrox Agent

Points of Interest: Froob, Imps up to QL190.

Made for fooling around in the Battlestation, likely dual-logged with someone else who isn't made yet :). Really pushed the edge on this one- definitely my highest implants on a Froob of this level. Lots of FP for various buffs- Bulk Trader, Odin's Missing Eye, Multi-Ranged Advy buff. Never used all that before- my first semi-high agent. All Mantis armor- Froob can't really compete with paid accounts, but got all the damage-adding stuff I could find. He's not really done yet. I need to get a Targeting Scope on him (using TiM scope now) and a higher QL Martial Arts suit. Also have 282000 IP to spend, not sure what to put it into- gumboils, runspeed, evades, higher nanos etc... :). His real look is the MA suit- the Shadowfade and tank for social..