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Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Casstra- 60 Nanomage Metaphysicist

Points of Interest: Froob, Implants up to QL172 (not a typo :), Uses CDRs, Expensive Kevlar Vest of Professor Jones, Can self-cast Lesser Frenzy and Restite, haven't finalized IP yet- don't have a Mez pet :).


This is the setup I used for casting Odin's Missing Eye- for my own future reference- That enabled me to cast Odin's Eye without maxing out Psy Mod- (close but saved some IP).

Had this girl on hold for a long time. My craziest and most stressful twink to date. Wanted to make a level 60 Froob who could cast all the same pets as my paid Trox MP. Didn't want to sacrifice too much in personal damage though. Was ok with hotswapping something but didn't want to be running around with a pillow all the time :). This was my first twink after acquiring a pair of Chapman Treatment pistols. Implants kept going up. I originally planned to use The Blackshirt of Zuwadza, but I carelessly planned Odin's Missing Eye in some of my calculations for treatment. It was not as easy as a simple Mochams and Wrangle to get that cast. I almost decided not to bother for all the extra work it would take for 5 or so extra treatment. However, I found out that there was some question as to whether it was even possible, so I figured I had to try :). I then figured out that I could actually keep Jones' vest in my final setup by rearranging some things, and here we are...

A couple shots there to show Odin's Missing Eye cast and 821 Treatment. One shot without Neleb's Robe to see that look of mixed armor. Treatment was actually up to 825 at one point, but didn't have enough Agility to make use of it.


blacksummons said...

by chance is there any way u know of to get into ql 200 imps and cast the highest pet a froob can as a mp if so plz send me a tell ingame toons name is blacksummons i really need help or step by step instructions on how to do it i am REALLY tired of dieing in pvm

blacksummons said...


blacksummons said...

and i am of coure asking if i can atleast get up to the point where all i would need is mochums to cast the pet