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Sunday, 2 March 2008

BabyKess - 1 Nanomage Doctor

Points of Interest: Deleted now, QL 9 Carbine Typed (with Burst FA, whatever that is), QL 30-50 implants

I'd almost forgotten about this girl, long since deleted. My very first original level 1 twink from waaay back in the dark ages. These pics are all that's left of her now... Made her Neutral so she could hang out in West Athens. Made back a few years ago when I had never heard of Cure For Baldness, or the agility rifle and Concrete Cushions were a new thing for me :). Lvl 50 implants were a huge deal for me at that time, and she could solo a cultist in the temple so I was thrilled :). Never dreamed of Abmouth at that time :)